

It's Friday!! I'm excited to drive back home today after classes. I haven't packed anything I have to take home yet but I guess it's fine..
So I take back some things that I thought when we started だい3か。Verbs aren't that bad. It's much more entertaining now that we can actually says things about our lives! I still need a little more work on is the particle は. I've been trying to incorporate it more in the things I say in class, but then again these things never happen when you're trying to think quickly.
I think the work for the class has been increasing, but as time consuming as learning Japanese is, I'm getting a lot out of it. More so than I thought I would. And class is interesting as well as my classmates who are ridiculous!

I hope everyone enjoyed our presentation yesterday. I learned a lot researching dating culture in Japan. I would think that blind dating in groups would be more intimidating than just meeting someone one on one. Because then you're potentially competing for one guy in particular but other people are watching how you are acting and twisted interest triangles make it hard to talk to the person you're interested in.
Also, I found it very interesting that texting plays a role in dating. It's a big strange that girls will text a message for their friend to read on their phone and then show it to them under the table but will not actually send the message. So much discretion for a date- albeit a group date!

Skits are next week! oh boy.

video on parents dating for their children...

2 件のコメント:

Johanna さんのコメント...

wow, your presentation about dating seems like an interesting subject that I want to hear about! It's really cool that you guys are already capable of making presentation! = ]

Johanna from CU Japanese section 3

Fay さんのコメント...

Interesting subject! no wonder Japanese people have the best cellphones. Have you ever been to Japan before?