






What makes a good blog...

There are several things that make a good blog...
1. It should be in depth, revealing, and preferably interesting
2. It should be personal but also pertain to the object of the blog- which is to communicate (also in Japanese)
3. It should be challenging- You should take risks and talk about what you wanted to say in class but maybe you didn't want to make a mistake
4. It should show what you have learned
5. It should help others learn

This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but I tried to cover the main things that I will try to make my blog emulate...
Feel free to add suggestions.
With that, I leave you with one of my passions...a satirical take on SUSHI!




Yes, yesterday was a very long day...
Enciso-san and I worked to the wee hours in the darkened halls of Gooch. I also saw Tatum-san as I was walking to her room!
I am looking forward to this weekend! It's gross outside right now so i probably won't go out but being lazy is always good... You can find me on my couch.


Thursday nite at Clemons with minasan

I have been at Clemons since 9:00 with my classmates. I have to say we have spent most of the time talking instead of studying. I got more work done when they left for half and hour to get food than the 3 hours we sat at the table. Oh well...
This week's skit was def a source of stress for me. Tatum san and I didn't get a chance to study so we stumbled through the skit a bit but we did our best nonetheless. Skits are always hard because you have to be creative and challenge the materials learned. I find that making everything flow is the hardest part. It all looks great on paper but saying it aloud is a whole different story..
Tomorrow is the Chapter 3 test! Minasan, good luck. I shall study more. Jaa matta.



It's Friday!! I'm excited to drive back home today after classes. I haven't packed anything I have to take home yet but I guess it's fine..
So I take back some things that I thought when we started だい3か。Verbs aren't that bad. It's much more entertaining now that we can actually says things about our lives! I still need a little more work on is the particle は. I've been trying to incorporate it more in the things I say in class, but then again these things never happen when you're trying to think quickly.
I think the work for the class has been increasing, but as time consuming as learning Japanese is, I'm getting a lot out of it. More so than I thought I would. And class is interesting as well as my classmates who are ridiculous!

I hope everyone enjoyed our presentation yesterday. I learned a lot researching dating culture in Japan. I would think that blind dating in groups would be more intimidating than just meeting someone one on one. Because then you're potentially competing for one guy in particular but other people are watching how you are acting and twisted interest triangles make it hard to talk to the person you're interested in.
Also, I found it very interesting that texting plays a role in dating. It's a big strange that girls will text a message for their friend to read on their phone and then show it to them under the table but will not actually send the message. So much discretion for a date- albeit a group date!

Skits are next week! oh boy.

video on parents dating for their children...